Next Call: Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 5PM PT. Share what you are working on, how is it working for you, what's holding you back and let's ask the angels for some help!!!!!!!!! You can email this information in or you can speak up on the teleseminar. Call in details:
Title: ATA June 29
Date & Time: Thursday, June 29th at 5:00 PM Pacific
Attend by Phone:
Guest pin code: 218581#
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5010
Secondary dial in number: (602) 281-1903
Full list of dial in Numbers:
Attend via the web:
Just added the 6-16-16 call with your Full Moon Attunement!!!! Enjoy!
Next call is Thursday, June 16 at 5PM PT. See your email for the number and topics. It's going to be a good one! Shhhhh! A full moon attunement will be offered! Woohoo! Talk to you then!!!!!
Just uploaded my notes from the May 9 call that didn't get recorded PLUS the May 23 Group Call recording! Both can be found in the Group Call Modules.
Sorry the last group call didn't get recorded. I was on a slow internet line, and it wasn't possible. However....
This email invites you to join our Group Call next Monday, May 23 at 5PM PT (or 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 11AM Australia time on May 24.)
Our group calls are twice monthly and are always recorded, so if you can't make the call, you'll find the recording under the Module Group Calls, usually at the bottom of the course modules. They're listed by date, and feel free to listen to calls held previously, even if you just joined our course!
Reasons you don't want to miss interacting or listening to our group calls:
Reason #1: The Q and A usually offers the most frequently asked questions or most currently asked questions as people work through the modules. Sometimes people post things on the Facebook page, as a comment in the course, or they email me personally. I share the questions with the call, and share my answers and invite your feedback, if appropriate. People have found this so helpful in the past, and I always say, "If you have a question, please ask. Chances are, someone else is secretly wishing for this answer also, and doesn't have the courage to speak up! Your questions help others!" Please send any questions to me prior to 5PM PT on Monday.
Reason #2: This is an ANGEL community! I know from chatting with most of you, that you don't have a huge angel community where you are. Maybe your friends don't love them as much as you do, or the people you're around might have different opinions of how to interact with angels, or maybe you feel really isolated where you are, and have no one to share this with. Well, that's why we're together in this. To offer community and support for those of us who believe in angels, love angels, and work with angels frequently, if not daily! So do yourself a favor, and join in on the call! We are your tribe!
Reason #3: After the helpful Q and A, we talk about other topics of interest. Monday's call will be about asking the angels for help and support when you need it.
Reason #4: After all that, we end the call in a guided meditation that is either in alignment with what we've talked about, or in alignment with what the angels suggest. This group call's meditation is connected asking an angel for support in whatever way you need it the most.
Do you need any other reasons to attend?????
Even if you have never listened in before, even if you have only listened to Module 1 and stopped, you can join these calls. I won't put you on the spot. I won't embarrass you. This is is meant to help everyone, and your support on the calls energetically helps your tribe. Even if you don't say anything!!!!!
I look forward to having you either join us on the call, or listening to the recording.
If you're joining us, here's the number: 641-715-3580 and use this access code 909488. (Except if you're calling in from Australia where you have your own number!)
Next group call is Monday, May 9 at 5PM PT, or 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 9PM ET or 11AM Australia time.
Please use this number: 641-715-3580 and this access code: 909488. (Do not share this with anyone not in the class.)
If you'd like to use skype, please email me asap at [email protected] and we'll make sure we connect before the call.
*Topics include the upcoming June 25 LIVE Ask the Angels! Workshop and what you can expect from it. (Remember, you get in for free! All you have to do is get to Sedona!)
*Honoring Healing Requests. (See below)
*Q and A: Recent questions and answers regarding what if I can't do this on a regular basis?
*And ending with our guided meditation: New Beginnings!
I'm so excited to have another call with everyone. If anyone has any healing requests, please send them to me prior to May 9 so we can include them and utilize our Facilitating Healing for Others 'App'! Your requests can include yourself, others you are close to, or anyone, anything, all life.....
Much love to all!
Phoenix RStar
Just added the April 20 Group Call to the Group Module! This was very amazing to feel the energy from everyone who was on the call, and all that are listening to the recording. We are a community! Thank you everyone!
Next Group Call: Wed. April 20 at 5PM PT. Please call this number a few minutes before: 641-715-3580. And use this access code when prompted: 909488. Topics include:
*Q and A on what to do when you're stuck (in life or in the Modules!)
*Ask the Angels! Live workshop on June 25, 2016 in Sedona, AZ (You get in for free!)
*Earth Day Meditation for the earth and universal healing
Remember that if you can't join us, this call will be recorded and listed under the Module called Group Calls. (It's usually at the bottom of the Module List, so scroll all the way down. I list it according to date. Feel free to listen to previous calls, as you never know when you're going to find some nugget of information you need!)
I just uploaded the April 7 conference call to the Group Calls Modules. We talked about the upcoming June 25 LIVE Ask the Angels! workshop, how to trust the app's really work (and what to do if you don't trust them), plus upcoming changes to the Ask the Angels! offerings and new classes. Plus, just in case you missed the email, you are grandfathered into Ask the Angels! for the rest of your life. You never need to pay for it again! And last, but not least, I finished with an Alignment Meditation to help you align the people, places, circumstances and events to your energy field now, so you can manifest them faster in the physical. Enjoy!
I have hiding under a rock for two months! I'm not even apologizing. It's what I have needed to do, but it is time to come out. :-) Our next group call is Thursday, April 7 at 5PM PT (6PM MT, or 7PM CT or 8PM ET).
Please use this number: 641-715-3580 and this access code: 909488. (Do not share this with anyone not in the class.)
If you'd like to use skype, please email me asap at [email protected] and we'll make sure we connect before the call.
Topics include the upcoming June 25 LIVE Ask the Angels! Workshop and what you can expect from it. (Remember, you get in for free! All you have to do is get to Sedona!)
PLUS information on exciting new online classes I think you'll really like. They should be emerging soon!
PLUS how do you get help when you really need it?
I hope you can make the call, but if not, remember it will be recorded so you can listen to it later! Namaste!
Just posted the March 3 call: Compassion to the Group Calls Module. Sorry I'm so behind!
Most of the questions were aimed at me and how do I experience things, but I did talk about some concerns individuals have had and how to address them. Also at the end is a Compassion Meditation to help everyone step into a deeper place of caring for ourselves and others. Thanks to my Dad! Be watching for some emails from me this week! Love to all!
Next call is March 24 at 5PM PT (or 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET and noon Australia time.)
Due to my father's passing, I am changing the Feb. 25 call to March 3 at 5PM PT with the same information as below. Thank you for your patience!
February Group Calls: Monday, Feb. 8 and Thursday, Feb. 25, both at 5PM PT (or 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET and noon Australia time.)
Please use this number: 641-715-3580 and this access code: 909488. (Do not share this with anyone not in the class.)
If you'd like to use skype, please email me asap at [email protected] and we'll make sure we connect before the call.
Feb 8: Sharing and discussion of your experience with the modules PLUS ways to take this deeper! Sharing what you've done to enhance your life experience using the app's. We'll finish with a guided meditation with Phoenix. This call will be recorded, and the recording will be in the Module called Group Calls at the bottom of the homepage.
Feb. 15: This feels like we'll have some additional information to share at this time, so stay tuned! Plus, sharing and discussion of your experience with the modules PLUS ways to take this deeper! Sharing what you've done to enhance your life experience using the app's. We'll finish with a guided meditation with Phoenix. This call will be recorded, and the recording will be in the Module called Group Calls at the bottom of the homepage.
Jan. 6, 2016: The Bonus Call Recording has now been uploaded to the Group Calls. Find out how you can stay involved in Ask the Angels!, become an affiliate, share your knowledge and experience as a mentor, and/or continue to join us on our group calls.
Bonus Call: Jan. 5 @6PM PT. Find out how you can stay involved in Ask the Angels and enjoy the benefits! Plus receive a brief introduction to an new angel healing protocol not affiliated with any other modality! This call will be recorded, so if you can't make it, I'll post it on our Group Call page. Happy New Year!
Dial in number: 641-715-3580 and access code 909488.